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Healthy Malaysian Rojak





Preparation Time

10 minutes

Total Time

20 minutes


  • 120g Pumpkin Beancurd
  • 130g tepung goreng bombom
  • 350g organic fruits of your choice
  • 50g Organic Kangkung
  • 1 teaspoon ground peanut
  • 1 teaspoon Organic Hulled White Sesame

Rojak Sauce 

  • 1/8 cup hot water
  • 60g Coconut Nectar Sugar
  • 10g 100% Almond Butter


  1. In a mixing bowl, prepare the Rojak sauce by dissolving coconut nectar sugar with water.  Then, add in almond butter and stir well.
  2. Add the chopped ingredients — fruits, kangkung, pumpkin beancurd, tepung goreng bombom into the mixing bowl and toss well with the sauce.
  3. Garnish with some ground peanuts and white sesame seeds.
  4. Ready to serve.

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