Our Story
As Malaysia’s leading producer, distributor and retailer of organic produce, and also a member of International Federation of Organic Farm Movements (IFOAM), ZENXIN has successfully created a completely certified organic production chain comprising compost factory, organic farms and organic wholesaler certified by National Association for Sustainable Agriculture Australia (NASAA).
ZENXIN is also certified organic under myOrganic, as accredited by The Department of Agriculture, Malaysia.

ZENXIN Agri-Organic Food’s vision is to lead Asia in sustainable organic food and agriculture.
Develop and support organic agriculture for the greater good of Mother Earth
Adopt organic principles pertaining to Health, Ecology, Fairness and Care which in turn supports ZENXIN’s direction in creating healthier soil, healthier food, healthier people and ultimately a healthier Earth
Commit to producing the highest quality organic food through sustainable farming practices and transparent operations with no adverse effect to consumers’ diet
Build a sustainable organic business to benefit consumers, societies, investors, coworkers, suppliers and all involved
Promote healthier organic and wholesome diet, encourage home cooking which in turn creates happy moments for families across the world
Be on an everyday mission to help our consumers reinvent and ultimately find a healthier version of themselves

The Beginning
It all began with 500 chickens Mr Tai Kok Kong, Founder of ZENXIN Organic Food has.
Being the successful agriculturist he is, Mr Tai Kok Kong ventured into the composting business in 1999 when he found himself with a lot more compost than he bargained for. The environmentalist in him did not want to resort to dumping chicken manure and polluting the ground.
At that time, organic farming was few and far in between in Malaysia. Only a handful knew soil science or how compost can greatly improve soil quality. Armed with what little knowledge he had about composting, Mr Tai Kok Kong explored this new field with open mindedness and a keen eye, as he learned of ways to upcycle chicken manure.
Providence has it that on one of his trips to Cameron Highlands, Mr Tai Kok Kong was introduced to practices of organic farming. When he tasted organic produce, it was to his great surprise and indeed pure joy as he found that long-lost flavour of cabbage he fondly remembers from his childhood. Intrigued by what he tasted, he bought a full load of organic cabbage, packed them in his car and distributed these to all of his friends in Kluang town. It was on this important day that the seed of ZENXIN took root. And as they say, the rest is history.
Driven by passion, determination and strong people skills, Mr Tai Kok Kong grew ZENXIN to become one of the leading organic food companies in Asia. ZENXIN or 诚兴, in Chinese, denotes sincerity and honesty. Taken together, these qualities lead ZENXIN to prosperity and success.
Simple as this may sound, this is at the backbone of ZENXIN’s business philosophy, steadily guiding ZENXIN ever forwards.
Growing Our Organic Journey
Mr Tai Kok Kong passed the reins of ZENXIN’s organic business to his second son, Mr Tai Seng Yee. As ZENXIN Organic’s Food Team Leader, Mr Tai Seng Yee oversees and manages the entire operations of ZENXIN Organic Food in Singapore, Malaysia and China.
He joined Zenxin Agri-Organic Food in 2006 and has since established significant growth for ZENXIN’s food business, notably by opening up new markets in Asia, venturing into online retail, actively expanding into sourcing of premium organic food produce from the world over, and has created a travel arm for ZENXIN. Important advancements made above culminated in the creation of associate companies such as ZENXIN Agri-Organic Food Singapore, ZENXIN China. ZENXIN Organic Park and ZENXIN Travel.
Established in 2007, ZENXIN Agri-Organic Food Singapore has been crucial in augmenting ZENXIN organic produce in Singapore and propelling ZENXIN Organic Food to be the leading organic fresh produce brand in Singapore, Malaysia and South East Asia region.
Mr Tai Seng Yee’s work was also crucial in achieving for ZENXIN a NASAA Australia fully certified organic supply chain ie. from organic fertilizer to organic food on the table. This certified organic supply chain also received certification of International Food Safety Standards ISO22000.

As Malaysia’s leading producer, distributor and retailer of organic produce, and also a member of International Federation of Organic Farm Movements (IFOAM), ZENXIN has successfully created a completely certified organic production chain comprising compost factory,