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3 Healthier Popsicles





Preparation Time

10 minutes

Total Time



For cashew milk:

  • 1 cup soaked cashews
  • 2 cups filtered water
  • 4 Egyptian ‘Siwa’ dates, pitted
  • A pinch of ‘Simply Natural’ French sea salt

For the popsicles:

  • 8 tbsp organic sea buckthorn juice
  • 1 cup + 1 tbsp cashew milk
  • 2 tbsp ‘Simply Natural’ organic raw acacia honey OR Spanish organic raw lavender honey

Pomegranate & Kefir Popsicles:

  • 48 fresh pomegranate seeds
  • 6 tbsp organic pomegranate juice
  • 1 cup organic kefir
  • 2 tbsp  Spanish organic raw lavender honey

Sweet Tomato & Kefir Pops:

  • 6 tbsp organic kefir
  • 2 cups freshly steamed organic tomatoes-on-the-vine, seeds & skin removed
  • ¼ tsp ‘Simply Natural’ Himalayan black rock salt
  • 2 tbsp  Spanish organic raw lavender honey

Credit: Ceri, Zenxin Master Chef


Cashew Milk:

  1. Soak 2 cups ‘Simply Natural’ raw cashews for at least 4 hours.
  2. Take the soaked cashews and rinse thoroughly with filtered water.
  3. Blend with 4 pitted ‘Siva’ dates, a pinch of sea salt and 2 cups filtered water.

Popsicle mixture:

  1. Take the measured amount of cashew milk, sea buckthorn juice & honey.
  2. Blend together.
  3. Pour into the popsicle moulds and freeze overnight.

Pomegranate & Kefir Popsicles:

  1. Pick out 48 seeds from the fresh pomegranate and place 8 in the tip of each mould.
  2. Pour 1 tbsp of pomegranate juice onto the seeds in each mould.
  3. Freeze for 3 hours to make the red part solid before pouring in the kefir mixture.
  4. Thoroughly combine the kefir and honey.
  5. After 3 hours pour the kefir mixture onto the frozen pomegranate tips.
  6. Freeze overnight and serve when ready to eat immediately.

Tip: If using wooden lolly sticks, soak them in water for an hour before using in the popsicles. This helps the popsicle mixture stick to the lolly stick.

Sweet Tomato & Kefir Pops:

  1. Pour 1 tbsp of kefir into each mould.
  2. Freeze for 3 hours to make the kefir solid before pouring in the tomato mixture.
  3. Steam the fresh tomatoes-on-the-vine to remove the skin.
  4. Remove skin and seeds and chop up the mixture.
  5. Thoroughly combine the honey with the tomato mixture.
  6. After 3 hours pour the tomato mixture onto the frozen kefir tips.
  7. Freeze overnight and when ready to eat serve immediately.

Tip: If using wooden lolly sticks, soak them in water for an hour before using in the popsicles. This helps the popsicle mixture stick to the lolly stick.

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